[in english. 
we dont traslate it, because we read well on this way]

es tarea de los comunistas el aprendizaje de lenguas para la comunicación entre proletarixs... es tarea de las comunistas luchar por unificar cada vez más al proletariado de las distintas lenguas, razas y naciones, por el internacionalismo proletario, por la revolución anticapitalista internacional...
por eso estas letras que llegaron en inglés se difunden en inglés, el trabajo de lectura y traducción no es solo de "unxs editores" -que procuraremos hacer según nuestras fuerzas-, si no de todos los revolucionarixs...

GurgaonWorkersNews no.62 - April 2014

Gurgaon in Haryana is presented as the shining India, a symbol of capitalist success promising a better life for everyone behind the gateway of development. At first glance the office towers and shopping malls reflect this chimera and even the facades of the garment factories look like three star hotels. Behind the facade, behind the factory walls and in the side streets of the industrial areas thousands of workers keep the rat-race going, producing cars and scooters for the middle-classes which end up in the traffic jam on the new highway between Delhi and Gurgaon. Thousands of young proletarianised middle class people lose time, energy and academic aspirations on night-shifts in call centres, selling loan schemes to working-class people in the US or pre-paid electricity schemes to the poor in the UK. Next door, thousands of rural-migrant workers up-rooted by the rural crisis stitch and sew for export, competing with their angry brothers and sisters in Bangladesh or Vietnam. And the rat-race will not stop; on the outskirts of Gurgaon, new industrial zones turn soil into over-capacities. The following newsletter documents some of the developments in and around this miserable boom region. It aims at an exchange of workers’ collectives to forge trajectories beyond state and capital. If you want to know more about working and struggling in Gurgaon, if you want more info about or even contribute to this project, please do so via: 

In the April 2014 issue you can find:

*** India: Crisis and Political Attack on the Wage Pressure from Below

Against the background of persistent inflation the ruling class in India has to actively curb the wage pressure from below. We document short examples of current struggles in the Gurgaon area and have translated one report about a riotous spill-over of workers' discontent in Faridabad in January 2014.

*** Faridabad, Delhi, Gurgaon: Short Workers' Reports

These eight workers' reports from different companies were published and circulated in the local area in early 2013: Orient Fan, Agro Engineering, Globe Capacitor, Ratna Offset, Harsoria Healthcare, Dhiman Engineering, Bright Brothers, Delhi Metro. 

*** Suggested Readings: A Few Texts for the International Revolutionary Debate 

The global and historical character of the current crisis forces us to coordinate both debate and practice ‘for workers self-emancipation’ on an international scale. The following texts are selective, but we think that they can stand as examples for ‘general theses’, ‘concrete analysis’ and ‘historical debate’ of class struggle and revolutionary movement. They have been written by comrades and groups we have a practical relationship with.

/// "For all and everyone - The Knock of Communism in the Electronic Age"

(Faridabad Majdoor Samachar)

This article looks at how the development of the capitalist mode of production changed the basis for workers' organisation since the time of the I.International. It provides an overview of how restructuring changed the framework for workers' struggles in Faridabad since the 1980s.

/// Out now! First issue of Delhi based 'The University Worker"

First issue of a university workers' paper which applies the organisational concept of workers' inquiry on university grounds. Reports from lecturers, students, manual workers and detailed account of a 'ad hoc teacher'.

/// Uprising in Ukraine
(Mouvement Communiste and Gabriel Levy)
Short statement of the limits of the uprising and elaboration of a working class position towards the old and new regime by MC. Longer background analysis by comrade from the 'People and Nature' blog.

an example of solidarity with errors, not Castilla with Ukrania, but Castillian Proletarians with Ukranian workers and opressed, but and example, we need thousand!, : http://www.lahaine.org/index.php?p=77636

A text about: 
ukrania, contra el nacionalismo, por la unión proletaria de clase.

/// Uprising in Bosnia
(Insurgent Notes)
Letter from a comrade about the protest movements in Bosnia.

/// Counter-revolution in Egypt
Comprehensive analysis of the different stages of uprising and counter-revolution in Egypt with special focus on the role of the migrant workforce in the region.

/// Crisis in Greece
Comrades assess the 'fascist threat' against the background of collaboration between deep state, organised crime exploiting mainly migrant labour and the organised fascist forces.

/// Strike support
(Wildcat and Mouvement Communiste)
Two short articles concerning the question of 'how to struggle and how to support struggle' based on recent examples from Germany and France.




comunicación proletaria solidaridad internacional internacionalismo chile comunicados pcint comunistas contra la represión protestas sociales grecia solidaridad con lxs presxs lucha de clases francia anticapitalistas revueltas acción directa guerra a la guerra textos internacionalismo proletario Palestina guerra de clases EEUU Venezuela Italia anarquistas memoria Argentina Territorio Mapuche english feminismo méxico solidaridad proletaria internacionalista Alemania análisis detenidas estado español (españa-XPAIN) lucha proletaria Shile contra la guerra derrotismo revolucionario huelgas mujer presos políticos huelga general kurdistán Rojava Siria Ukrania contra la democracia contra las elecciones covid-19 policía asesina por el comunismo / por la anarquia proletarixs internacionalistas 1º de mayo Ecuador antimperialismo contra el capital francés migrantes okupacion Chequia antipatriarcado comunismo disturbios noticias oaxaca Israel Rusia anticarcelario contra el estado policial contra el trabajo 8 de marzo República Dominicana Turkia UK anticapitalismo antifascismo autonomía de clase brasil contra el nacionalismo expropiación fotos guerra social lucha revolucionaria refugiados solidaridad de clase solidaridad proletaria contra caridad cristiana trabajadores en lucha Barcelona Mediterráneo antimilitarismo de clase contra la patria contra la sociedad cárcel fascismo y antifascismo haití huelga de hambre insurrección libertad para todxs lucha obrera lucha social pintadas protestas trabajadores y estudiantes Portugal República Checa Uruguay bélgica caribe chalecos amarillos contra el fascismo cuba defensa de la tierra desalojos son disturbios irak perú revolución comunista ucrania Colombia Egipto Gabriel Pombo da Silva Paraguay Polonia américa del sur antirracismo atentados class war contra el reformismo y el oportunismo contra la burguesía desaparecidos euskalherria indepedencia de clase minería no son accidentes pegatas reflexión revolución social saqueos teoría terrorismo violencia revolucionaria África Catalunya China Claudio Lavazza G20 Golpe de estado Haiti India Irán Nápoles PCI-ICP Sudán UIT-CI ZAD antidesarrollismo antinazis asocianismo obrero barrios proletarios berlín brigadas internacionales catástrofes contra el mundial de fútbol contra la iglesia católica contra la religión contra las fronteras contra las ongs derecho al aborto deserción despidos encuentros epidemia extradicción feminicidio feria grupos autónomos historia jornadas no borders pensiones propaganda. affiche revolución internacional sabotajes santiago maldonado un patriota un idiota 11deseptiembre América del norte Arabia Saudí Argelia Bielorrusia Birmania Bolivia Bosnia Bulgaria CNA Cibao Comuna de París Corea del Norte Corea del Sur Cuarta Internacional DIY Filipinas Flora Sanhueza Gran Bretaña Guadalupe Hambach Forest Hong Kong Iran Kenia Kosovo Libano Liberia Marcelo Villarroel Marco Camenish Martinica Mumia Abu Jamal Myanmar Nicaragua Portland Punki Mauri Presente! RIF Sebastian Oversluij Suiza Tendencia Comunista Internacionalista Tunez Túnez Val di susa Vietnam Yemen Zaragoza abolición del trabajo asalariado abstención activa afganistan agitación angry asambleas de trabajadores ateismo atropello autodefensa autoorganización bangladesh caja de resistencia ccf censura contra el fracking contra la reforma laboral contra la socialdemocracia contra la unidad nacional contra las olimpiadas contra toda nocividad crítica de la ideología deconstrucción derecho de autodeterminación dictadura dirección donbass día del joven combatiente economía política exarchia excluidos exilio ferroviarios gilets jaunes grupo Barbaria guerra comercial guerra sucia huelga ilimitada y sin preaviso indymedia interseccional ioannina jornadas anárquicas kobane kurdo latinoamérica lumpen marruecos miseria movimientos de parados no Tav normalistas novara organización organización anarquista piquete praxis revolucionaria presos programa pueblos originarios que se vayan todos rebelión registros resistencia revolución socialista san francisco somos lxs nietxs de las brujas que nunca pudisteis quemar son asesinatos sudáfrica trotsky turismo = miseria social violencia virus zapatista árabe